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Get Involved at the State Level

State dental boards establish licensing requirements for dental team members, determine scopes of practice for dental health care providers, and protect the public regarding oral health care issues. As the only organization exclusively dedicated to serving the needs and interests of general dentists, the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) encourages its members to get AGD members appointed to the state dental board and to attend state dental board meetings. Please use the listing below to contact your state dental board or to access information about upcoming dental board meetings. If you need additional information, please contact the AGD Advocacy department at

Resources to Advocate at the State Level
Access the information you need to facilitate advocacy in government relations, public relations, professional relations and more.

CE Requirements
Follow the link below to view a listing of the 2015 CE requirements by state:
CE Requirements

State Dental Boards as an AGD Key Issue
Read about state dental boards as an AGD key issue.

Find Out if Your Dental Board Accepts the AGD Transcript for Relicensure
The link below lists the status of acceptance of the AGD Transcript in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Current Status of Transcript Acceptance in 50 states

State Dental Boards – AGD Member Stats
The link below lists all the state dental board members and whether they are AGD members, current as of April 18, 2017.
State Dental Boards - AGD Member Stats