Aged and Disabled Waiver

The Aged and Disabled (A&D) waiver allows individuals who are aged, blind, or disabled to remain in their home as an alternative to nursing facility placement. Home and community-based services (HCBS) are provided through the A&D waiver to supplement informal supports for people who would require care in a nursing facility if HCBS or other supports were not available.

Individuals must meet HCBS waiver eligibility and Medicaid eligibility guidelines to be eligible for a Medicaid HCBS waiver. To be eligible, individuals must:

What is Nursing Facility Level of Care?

Level of care is the minimum needs an individual must have to be considered eligible for HCBS waiver services. A nursing facility level of care is required for a person to be admitted into a nursing facility. Level of care is evaluated when a person applies for Medicaid and then at least once a year after that. The initial level of care determination is made by the Area Agency on Aging (AAA). The waiver case manager will complete an annual level of care evaluation for waiver services.

For the purposes of nursing facility level of care, a person must have one of the following:

Available Waiver Services

Eligible individuals may receive authorized waiver services in conjunction with Traditional Medicaid. Authorized waiver services may include:

The specific services that meet the needs of the individual member are identified by the member’s case manager. These services are submitted by the state agency for approval and are listed on the member’s Plan of Care (POC)/Notice of Action (NOA).

Member Information

Provider Information

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