Campus Visit Checklist

Visiting a college campus is an important step in the college selection process. It provides firsthand experience and insights into the college's environment, culture, and facilities. A college visit worksheet can help you accomplish all your goals on these visits.

How to Make the Most of Your Trip

Visiting a college campus helps you get a sense of what a college─and student life at that college─is like. This can help you decide whether the school is right for you .

When planning your campus visits, allow time to explore each college. While you're there, talk to as many people as possible. These can include college admissions staff , professors, and students. Below are some other things you can do while visiting. Note that some activities, such as meeting with an admissions officer or staying overnight in a residence hall, might need to be set up in advance.

Gather Information

Find out what you need to do to apply. See if the college's class and major offerings are what you want. Be sure to take the following steps:

Explore the Campus

Get a feel for student life and see if this college is a place where you will do well:

Check Out Campus Media

Tune in to learn what’s happening on campus and what’s on students’ minds:

Questions to Ask During Your Visit

Here are some questions you may want to ask your tour guide or students you meet on campus:

Adapted from Campus Visits and College Interviews by Zola Dincin Schneider.