Appraised by : Loans Officer : Name . Signature. Date . Verified by : Loans Manager: Name. . Signature.. . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. Date.. . .. . .. . J. CREDIT COMMITTEE Loan approved Kshs . recoverable in . ..Instalments, at the current interest rate per month, on a reducing balance with effect from (Date) . Current Loan applied for Kshs . Previous Loan balance Kshs . Amount due Kshs . (Amount in words).. . . Loan rejected for the following reason(s) . . Loan deferred for the following reason(s) . . . Credit Committee. Minute No . . Date. 1. TOP UP LOANS 2. Write a cheque of Kshs. 3. Load Kshs. For Recovery Comment(s) to Accounts/Loan’s Officer. Chairman’s Signature . Secretary’s Signature . Member’s Signature . K. FEEDING FOR RECOVERY Loan advanced Kshs . Rate of recovery Kshs . per month w.ef . Interest in arrears Kshs. Rate of recovery Kshs. . . per month w.e.f . Fed by : (Name). Signature. Date. L. CHEQUE DISPATCH 1. Cheque No. . Kshs . Dated. 2. Cheque posted / Issued by : Name . . Signature . Date . 3. Cheque Received by (Name). . Signature . ID/NO. Date . CONFIDENTIAL CS/NO. 1991 HAZINA SAVINGS AND CREDIT COOPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD. P.O. BOX 59877 - 00200 NAIROBI TELEPHONE: (020) 2719098/2722106.CELLPHONE : 0712149631 FAX: (020) 2729187. Kibera Road Off Ngong Road Behind Kobil Petrol Station E-mail : LOAN APPLICATION & AGREEMENT FORM LOAN REGISTRATION NO. DATE. A. REQUIREMENTS AND INSTRUCTIONS (Applicants must read the following before completing this form) 1. Applicants are required to be familiar with the Society’s current Loan Policy. . 2. The applicant must fill parts B - F in full. Incomplete forms will be returned unconsidered. 3. The applicant is required to attach one original current pay-slip (not more than two months old to the date of application) and a copy of NationallD Card showing both sides for every loan applications. 4. Normal Loan application forms received up to the 20th day of the month are considered at the end of the same month. Forms received thereafter are considered at the end of the following month. All other loan categories are processed as they are received. 5. To enable the Society process your cheque to your Bank Account, indicate your Bank Account Number, Name of Bank and Branch (where applicable) on section C OR for MPESA indicate the M-pesa registered cellphone number. 6. In case your Loan is not recovered through the Payroll , please ensure that it’s paid by CASH promptly to avoid Interest in arrears,penalty and DEFAULT. B. PERSONAL INFORMATION 1. Member’s Full Names (as in ID Card) . . 2. Member’s Current Address . . 3. Member’s Home Details: Address . District . Division . Location. Sub-Location . ..Village. . 4. Personal No. Membership/No. . 5. Mobile No. Office tel No. Ext. 6. Work Station. E-mail. 7. Employer/Ministry . 8. Employer’s Mailing address . . 9. Terms of Employment - Permanent & PensionablelTemporary/ContractlOther (Specify) . 10. Position in Society - CMC member/Supervisory Committee member/Delegate/Member/ Employee/ other (Specify). 11. Age (according to ID Card).
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